Escape From Zip Ties

This is clever, but assumes a person is wearing shoes with cloth/synthetic laces. I love my elastic sport laces, but they’re not going to help me in my...

Germany accuses Facebook of abuse

This is fallout after the UK seized internal Facebook communications which detail some of the company’s unethical stance on user privacy.

Coffee Bean Roasting In 0G?

This has never actually bean done, so it’s just a theoretical advantage over any other types of roasting. What about oxygen or the lack thereof? What about the freeze-drying cold of high altitudes and space prior to the searing heat of re-entry? Ever go to...

Snopes Dumps Facebook

Fact-checking is becoming more the responsibility of websites, largely in an effort to curb the whole “Fake News” blitzkrieg that IS Facebook. The Snopes-Facebook partnership seemed like a positive step; however, Snopes has determined the currnet...

What Happens When You Abstain From Facebook?

This article discusses what “quitting” Facebook does to/for a person. It’s findings are based on surveys, so it’s questionable whether things like “political-knowledge” are actual or more-likely perceived benefits. One important...

The “Merging” of Facebook’s Messaging Aps

The announcement this week that Messenger, Instagram, WhatsAp, and other Facebook-owned tools makes me question serious use of any of these. Facebook makes money selling user data and advertising, and they haven’t got a good record when it comes to user privacy....

Apple Confirms FaceTime Bug Update: Apple has disabled FaceTime Groups on its end, listing Group Facetime as “temporarily unavailable” on its support page. This serves as a...

Privacy – whatever.

Privacy. Companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, etc… all tell us how much they value and care about our privacy. Yet the truth is revealed in an endless serried of breaches, hacks, and outright lies presented to us. The end results are nearly always the...